Outlook xp freezes up


Kerma Ochoa

After opening outlook will freeze up and I get " The instruction at
"0x35169137" referenced memory at "0x04373490". The memory could not be
read. Click ok to terminate the program.
I have all ready tried to repair and didn't help.
A big Thanks to anyone that can help me with this.


Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling Outlook? If this just started
did you try doing a system restore to the day it was working?


I have just started having a similar problem. Outlook crashes with a similar
The instruction at 0x35169137" referenced memory at " 0x03c43478". The
memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program.

the second address varies from crash to crash. did you ever find a solution
to this problem?

Frank W.

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