Outlook with Redemption: adding attachment


Apr 28, 2009
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(My first post here ever!)

My application sends mail via Outlook using Redemption. Works great with all versions of Outlook, most of the time. However, on one specific computer, a puzzling error comes up when sending a message with an attachment.

The error message is as follows:

Error! -21417852 - Error in IAttach.OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN: RPC_E_FAULT
This error is most likely caused by setting RDOSession.MAPIOBJECT to Namespace.MAPIOBJECT
from OOM when Outlook is running in a separate process.
Try to call RDOSession.Logon instead to make sure an in-proc IMAPISession is used.
I have no idea what's causing the problem. My code seems to work most of the time. Any ideas?

Here are the computer details:

Windows XP
OL2003 SP2 using POP/SMTP for email.
The Redemption "helper" Add-In is not used and is disabled.
The code is in an Access module.

Here's my code:

    'Get Mail Item
    Set xNS = xOutlook.Session
    Set xFolder = xNS.GetDefaultFolder(4) '4 = olFolderOutbox
    Set xOLMailItem = xFolder.Items.Add '0 = olMailItem
    Set xMail = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeMailItem")
    xMail.Item = xOLMailItem
    'populate message
    xMail.To = xsEmailAddress
    xMail.Subject = msSubject
    'xMail.BodyFormat=2 '2=olFormatHTML	'not necessary, and doesn't play well with OL2000
    xMail.HTMLBody = xstream.ReadAll
    'add attachments (from array of file names)
    For Each xv In marrAttachReports
        xMail.attachments.Add CStr(xv) '<-- ERROR OCCURS HERE! ***********
    'redemption cleanup & force delivery
    Set xOLMailItem = Nothing
    Set xMail = Nothing
    Set xMapiUtils = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPIUtils")
    Set xMapiUtils = Nothing
     On Error Resume Next 'I think this errors out in OL2000
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
    On Error GoTo Err
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