Outlook views


Mike D

How do I set the task views so that when I'm in Calendar
Day view mode the cooresponding task pad only shows that
days tasks and any overdue? I want to be able to scroll
through the calendar by day and see the corresponding
day's tasks and the previous days.

I CAN get it to only show that day's tasks based on the
actual day (on the computer) - but I'd like to be able to
scroll through my days forward and back - and see the
Tasks assosaited with that day.

I used PlanPlus for a while - which does this nicely but
the program causes my Activesync not to work correctly so
I'm hoping there is a way to set it up in the Advanced
Views section of Outlook
(I use Outlook 2000)

Hope this makes sense

Thanks for any help!

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Have you tried the "Active Tasks for Selected Days" TaskPad view?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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No I have not and I'm not sure where to find that view -
is it something you can find when your in the Calendar
page .... I will look ... thanks for pointing me in the
right direction .. please reply if you can.


Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

While in the Calendar, go to View | TaskPad View and it will be in the list
of available views.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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