Outlook Staff List exported into Microsoft Access



Our company has a large staff list/offices in Outlook. It is a request that
I use that information and create a few different printouts. There was no
suggestion on what software I should use for this process. I am certainly no
pro when it comes to Access but, I presumed that it would be the best to use
for this process. The problem is that I need to manipulate the information
in Access because for an example, the telephone number in Outlook contains a
telephone extension as well - I can't use this for these specific printouts.
I'm having a very hard time creating the reports - there is information from
Outlook that is not consistent. Is there a software program that you can
suggest I use that might be easier for me to work with?

Thank you for your help.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

I think Access may be the best platform to deal with Outlook data. Outlook
will directly export into an Access database. Small problems, like the need
to display only the phone number, without the extension are easily handled.

If the phone numbers contain parentheses, or dashes or spaces, they can be
removed by using an update query with the Replace function. Then in your
reports you can show, just the first 10 characters, and format them any way
you want.


Thank you very much Arvin. I'm sure I'll have more questions later.

Bye for now..............Minnie

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