Outlook signature colour



In outlook 2003 my signature is inserted in a custom colour. This is pale
yellow and thus invisible. It seems to be the colour I experimented with in
advanced Windows settings for window view. How can I reset this behaviour?


I just do my signature in word, including different fonts/colour,etc and cut
and paste it into outlook.

That might work for you.


Thanks. I tried both of these and still no joy. By experimentation I now
think the problem lies with the stationery, since signatures appear OK in any
of the rather twee sunflower and other stationeries, but Blank stationery
seems to have been corrupted, and editing this to have black font doesnt work
(this only impacts the text you type in). I use HTML format.


I have now set the "use this stationery by default" to <None> and my problem
has gone away. I consider this to be a workaround - but I couldnt see how the
rather bland mix of inline CSS and a couple of HTML tags in blank.htm could
go so wrong.

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