outlook should have a shortcut to blocking a domain.



When right clicking on an email and then selecting the "Junk Email" option,
one should have the option to block the entire sender's domain, instead of
just the individual sender. I understand that you can do this by manually
typing in the domain in the block sender's list, but this is much too time

In addition, it would be nice if there was more leveling in the junk mail
rules. For instance, I would like to be able to have all potential junk mail
moved to my junk mail folder, with the exception of emails from member's of
my Junk Sender's list. I would prefer to have those deleted.


This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.



Andrey M said:
When right clicking on an email and then selecting the "Junk Email"
one should have the option to block the entire sender's domain, instead of
just the individual sender. I understand that you can do this by manually
typing in the domain in the block sender's list, but this is much too time

You really are so naieve to believe that spammers use a valid e-mail
address? You must one of those that fill up their Blocked Senders list
without thousands of useless e-mail addresses thinking you are really
thwarting the spam. Everytime the spammer spews, they use a different bogus
e-mail address, or pretend to be someone else who is innocent of sending the

Get a REAL anti-spam solution.
In addition, it would be nice if there was more leveling in the junk mail
rules. For instance, I would like to be able to have all potential junk
moved to my junk mail folder, with the exception of emails from member's
my Junk Sender's list. I would prefer to have those deleted.

So just define a blacklist rule where those senders get deleted. Put it
before your other rules that move suspect mails to the Junk folder or for a
whitelist rule to keep mails from those senders.

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