outlook rule does not work.



I must autorespond to meeting requests with a specific template. I must do
this for 4 mailboxes. The rule works on 2 mailboxes but does not work on the
remaining 2. These is only one exchange server and there are no additional
rules at play. Outlook 2003. I have imported know good rules and they do
not work. Where they fail even manually running the ruiles does not work. I
am using the same PC for createing\testing all rules.

Roady [MVP]

You can only create rules for additional mailboxes when the mailbox is set
as the primary mailbox. To do so create a mail profile for each mailbox you
need to create rules for.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

I must autorespond to meeting requests with a specific template. I must do
this for 4 mailboxes. The rule works on 2 mailboxes but does not work on
remaining 2. These is only one exchange server and there are no additional
rules at play. Outlook 2003. I have imported know good rules and they do
not work. Where they fail even manually running the ruiles does not work.
am using the same PC for createing\testing all rules.

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