Outlook Express


Jim Byrd

I have a wierd problem going on with outlook express. I
can not delete any messages from the sent mail box. When
I try to delete the message nothing happens. If I try to
drag the message to the deleted folder, I get a message:
The Selected Message could not be moved. An error has
occured. There is no error number in the message.

Has anyone seen this before?

Thanks for your help

Jone Doe

Yes, sometimes the dbx boxes, including the sent mail box, get corrupted and
there isn't much you can do other than deleting the box and letting outlook
express build a new one.

Do a search for sent items.dbx, make sure it is the one assigned to
Microsoft Outlook Express, and delete the file. Now open outlook express
again and it will build a new, non corrupted mail box which should now work.

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