Outlook Express 6



I haven't been able to receive e-mails in O/E since installing the latest
Windows Update KB912919 on 7th Jan, coincidence or not I have no idea. All
the configurations are as they should be but it won't connect to the server.
Anyone else having problems or can help me out of this one?


Hmm this is weird, I installed the same update but did not damage my OE.
Have you tried recreating your email accounts and see if it fixes it?



I've tried just about everything possible including recreating the e-mail
accounts but to no avail, even telephoned the ISP and they said everything is
ok there.
At least I know from your reply that it may not now be the hotfix that
caused the problem, thanks.
Anyone else know what I can try?


I've tried creating a new identity and still it doesn't work and YES I do
have Norton A/V and Firewall installed but it's up for renewal in a couple of
weeks, any idea what would be good to change to if this is the prob?
I was told to try a ping test with the mail server and there is no response
from this either- now what??

Thanks everyone!!



Yippee, have since found out that if I turn the Norton Firewall off O/E
connects to the server, so if anyone else is having problems then this could
be your answer
Trouble is, I have no idea how to correct it as the firewall "allows" O/E


Skye said:
Yippee, have since found out that if I turn the Norton Firewall off O/E
connects to the server, so if anyone else is having problems then this could
be your answer
Trouble is, I have no idea how to correct it as the firewall "allows" O/E

It should be in the Norton Firewall configuration under Programs.


Under the programmes section of the firewall, O/E is on "permit all" but
still it won't connect to the server unless I turn firewall off.




Skye said:
Under the programmes section of the firewall, O/E is on "permit all" but
still it won't connect to the server unless I turn firewall off.



And if you turn the firewall off, you are asking for trouble. Maybe you
should consider nuking Norton and getting a decent AV and firewall.


Skye said:
As I asked previously, any named recommendations for a new AV and Firewall?


I use SystemSuite that comes with maintenance utilities, TrendMicro Anti
Virus and a Sygate firewall. I highly recommend it and you can purchase
it at http://www.v-com.com/ I do not use the email virus checker with OE
or any other email program.


Sygate didn't work for me in the past that's why I changed to Norton.
Thanks for help and advice anyway




Skye said:
Sygate didn't work for me in the past that's why I changed to Norton.
Thanks for help and advice anyway



It's not the same thing as the old free Sygate firewall. I have it on
three machines and it works wonderfully.


I changed from Sygate because I couldn't open my e-mails without turning it
off can you believe, now I have the same prob with Norton. It appears award
winning Zone Alarm Pro is the best one available. I've just been doing
research but maybe I'll get it and have the same issue all over again!!



Skye said:
I changed from Sygate because I couldn't open my e-mails without turning it
off can you believe, now I have the same prob with Norton. It appears award
winning Zone Alarm Pro is the best one available. I've just been doing
research but maybe I'll get it and have the same issue all over again!!


Your main problem now is getting Norton off your machine so it won't
conflict with anything. SystemSuite's registry fixer will find all the
crap that Norton leave behind after an uninstall so that you can start
fresh. After running the fixer, look for entries that have Norton, NAV,
symantec, etc., and take them off your machine. I would go offline
uninstall Norton first, enable XP's firewall temporarily, go back online
and download Systemsuite, go offline, disable XP's firewall, install
SystemSuite and run the registry fixer from the Fix menu and nuke all
the Norton Crap. Then I would check for updates to SystemSuite, also
under the Fix menu. Generally, all the registry fixer results that are
green can be safely removed but don't touch the yellow or red results
unless they are Norton, NAV, symantec, etc.


Thanks for all that!! Is is possible to just drag everything from C Drive
that belongs to Norton/Symantec, after the uninstall, and put it in the bin?


Skye said:
Thanks for all that!! Is is possible to just drag everything from C Drive
that belongs to Norton/Symantec, after the uninstall, and put it in the bin?

If that were all there was, yes, but Norton leaves crap all over the
place, especially in the registry, so a registry fixer is in order.

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