outlook doesn't want to allow another program to access it


Cant do my job

I have Outlook 2002, I have added an address book from another program (
ACT 11), outlook thinks it is a virus or something trying to access it and
will only allow up to 10 min for access, even if I do that it doesn't send my
email. Can anyone help?

Nikki Peterson

From Our good friends at www.slipstick.com we find the following:

The "object model guard" feature of the patch imposes two
extreme restrictions on automating Outlook from add-ins
that use CDO:

a.. If an add-in tries to send an Outlook message, the user gets
a notification pop-up and must explicitly authorize or deny
each attempt to send. The user must wait 5 seconds before
the Yes button becomes available to click.

b.. If an add-in tries to access either a Contacts folder or the
address book or save an Outlook item as a file, the user
gets a notification pop-up and can deny access, authorize
a one-time access or extend access for a period of
several minutes.


I would look into "Advanced Security for Outlook" by MAPI Lab:

I used to suggest the "Express Click Yes" which can be found on the
page that the link above takes you to. But there is much bantering about
the security of this solution. I believe the MAPI lab solution is the more
secure answer.

Nikki Peterson

I have Outlook 2002, I have added an address book from another program (
ACT 11), outlook thinks it is a virus or something trying to access it and
will only allow up to 10 min for access, even if I do that it doesn't send
email. Can anyone help?

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