Outlook Contact Icons


Brian Tillman

tlang9 said:
I'm having an issue with the icons in Contacts. When I add a new
contact from my PDA, the icon that appears is the little card icon
with a person. When I add a new contact from Outlook, the icon that
appears is a piece of paper with a tack in it. I have uploaded a
screenshot below.


What version of Outlook? Do the incorrectly indicated contacts open
correctly? I do know that I get different icons in my Notes folder
depending on where I add the note.


Hi Brian.. I have Outlook 2003. Everything works correctly when I open them..
the icons just appear differently.

Brian Tillman

tlang9 said:
I have Outlook 2003. Everything works correctly when I
open them.. the icons just appear differently.

Well, as I say, I've seen similar issues with the Notes icons when using a
PDA to sync. Since it's cosmetic, I don't worry about it.

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