Outlook constantly creating Send/Receive Tasks



On both my laptop and desktop yesterday Outlook has gone into some
kind of loop that it constantly adds duplicate tasks to the Send/
Receive box... rendering the program unusable. I've tried everything I
can think of but no solutions... anyone ever seen this before? At the
moment there are 7000+ tasks and they just keep getting added!



Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Have you restarted outlook or the computer? Did you look for error messages?
How often are you checking for now mail? How many accounts?

If a previous Send and receive hangs future ones will add to the list.


My desktop computer has 3 Pop3 accounts that are set to check every 5
minutes. I also have a second profile that has my work Exchange
account only.

My laptop has one exchange account running in Cache mode.

I have tried rebooting both computers several times. I've tried virus
scans. I even removed the exchange account and set it up again but
same problem

I sent a screen shot to by IT guy, but he is as lost as I am. He tried
unchecking "synchronize forms" but that didn't change anything.


Alex Nollmann



After 2 days, I figured out the problem. The "F9" key on my keyboard
was stuck down. Since I use VNC to access my laptop while in the home
office, it was sending the S/R command to that system also.

Bye Bye Logitech low profile keyboard!

Thanks for the help


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