Outlook cannot load or install ActExt.dll



WinXP Pro, Office 2003 Pro. All updates installed.

I recently installed Norton System Works. Now, when I open Outlook, I get
this Alert Msg: The add-in "c:\WINDOWS\System32\ActExt.dll" could not be
installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by using Detect and Repair
on the Help menu.

I ran Detect and Repair successfully. It did not correct the problem. The
referenced dll is in the System32 folder. Outlook operations appear to
function normally. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to correct this?

Roady [MVP]

That is Act! trying to integrate with Outlook. Either reinstall Act! or
disable its integration by Tools-> Options-> tab other-> button Advanced
Options-> buttom COM Add-Ins/Add-In Manager

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

WinXP Pro, Office 2003 Pro. All updates installed.

I recently installed Norton System Works. Now, when I open Outlook, I get
this Alert Msg: The add-in "c:\WINDOWS\System32\ActExt.dll" could not be
installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by using Detect and Repair
on the Help menu.

I ran Detect and Repair successfully. It did not correct the problem. The
referenced dll is in the System32 folder. Outlook operations appear to
function normally. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to correct this?


Thanks Roady,

The culprit was in the Add-In Manager dialog box. I unchecked Act!Extensions
and no more alert pop-up. I knew it had something to do with linking Act! To
Outlook but I had no clue as to where to find it. Thanks again!


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