Outlook Calendar auto archive



How do I restore my Outlook Calendar?It seem's to have auto archived
everything from April 19/05 and earlier. I have tried to find theses...with
no luck. This automatic archive is a real pain in the butt! I tried to
Import the archive file like the help feature told me but it didn't bring
anthing earlier than April 19/05. Please help...this information in my
calander is really important, and I'm lost. FYI my version of Outlook is
Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 and operating system is Windows XP. Thank you
for any help!

M. Tansem


Hi Mandy,

I tested this and it seemed to work for me. I'm not sure what the
problem could be with yours. Can you add the PST folder into Outlook as
a Personal Folder and access yuor calendar that way?


Judy Gleeson MVP - Outlook

File, open, outlook data file, browse to the Archive.pst and select it. It
should now show up in your folder list.

You may want to check your Folder List first in fact as many users hide
their folders by using the Mail Folders View in the Navigation Bar (the
strip on the left edge of your Outlook screen).

Judy Gleeson - MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting
Canberra, Australia

see what Outlook training can do to improve productivity:



Before you go to the trouble of getting all your old entries back, turn off
auto archive for your calendar. Otherwise, the next time AA runs your old
stuff will just go right back to the archive.pst

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