Outlook blocking Merge?


John MacDonald

I trust that someone else has had to deal with this problem.

I have outlook 2002 and Word 2002 otherwise known as XP.

Some time ago my computer has completed upgrades or updates. When I try to
do a merge to email from word it blocks the emails and brings up a screen
that makes me hit the mouse for each email. At times, I must send 7000
emails. this will not due.

Please help!!!!

I need to get the next email out to our membership.


JMAC out

Brian Tillman

Uncle Grumpy said:

What don't you understand? The suite known as Office XP contains Word 2002
and Outlook 2002.

Let's have fewer pointless posts, OK?

Brian Tillman

John MacDonald said:
I trust that someone else has had to deal with this problem.

I have outlook 2002 and Word 2002 otherwise known as XP.

Some time ago my computer has completed upgrades or updates. When I
try to do a merge to email from word it blocks the emails and brings
up a screen that makes me hit the mouse for each email. At times, I
must send 7000 emails. this will not due.

Do you have and Word add-ins like Adobe Acrobat or and Outlook add-ins?

John MacDonald

Yes I have the Acrobat.

From the other posts, I'm told that this problem comes up because of
something in the second update; do you know if the third patch corrects this

JMAC out

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