Outlook BCC limits



I have a problem with sending (although I can attach) over 1000 BCCs onto a
mail message. Does anyone have any information on the maximum number of
recipients in the BCC field that Outlook 2003 on Windows XP will send out?

It seems as though it simply doesn't send to any BCC'd recipients after it
reaches a certain number.

I've considered my MTA is restricting the number and I'm fairly sure this
isn't the case.


I can't imagine the admin of any legitimate mail server allowing that many
BCCs since this is one of many techniques used by spammers. The admin / owner
of a mail server can be held accountable under law for spam disseminated
through the server. If you provide some detail abut what type of information
you are trying to send, and who your target audience is, then someone might
be able to suggest an alternative method to accomplish your aim.

dave parham

dear jimmuh - our scenario is this: we have 2953 clients that, as far as i
know, would welcome an email with a link to our online newsletter. after
copying email addresses from a sorted spreadsheet, and pasting them into the
BCC field, we found 1000 address to be safe [#1-1000 we copied, did in fact
exist in full in the BCC list]. earlier we discovered to our dismay an
abundance of email addresses were pasted into a BCC field yet the list
truncated. of course, sort the excel list before pasting into BCC,
otherwise no way to tell if the full list is pasted [i think the bcc field
sorts them]. anyway, we want to purchase a service for mass emailing, but
wonder if you're aware of a max # email addresses allowed. thx for your
time and help!!

J Blessing

Pardon me for jumping in... please try our email scheduler
(http://www.lbetoolbox.com/scheduleemail.htm) which will allow you to send
multiple individual emails, html or plain text, with attachments, either as
a one-off or regularly at a specified time and interval

John Blessing

http://www.LbeHelpdesk.com - Help Desk software priced to suit all
http://www.room-booking-software.com - Schedule rooms & equipment bookings
for your meeting/class over the web.
http://www.lbetoolbox.com - Remove Duplicates from MS Outlook, find/replace,
send newsletters

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