Outlook automatically loads when I start Windows XP



I had to reinstall all my programs after a hard drive crash, and when I
installed MS Office Pro 2003, I made sure I did not click on the box to have
Outlook automatically load (can't remember the exact wording of the option);
however, I cannot copy my outlook.pst file from my desktop to my flash drive
to copy it onto my laptop. I used to be able to copy the file after closing
Outlook 2003, but now I get an error message that another program has part of
the program locked.

I am sure I did something wrong, but can anyone tell me how to remedy this
situation? I appreciate any help you can provide.

Diane Poremsky

do you have any applications that use outlook data? is the AV software
configured to scan email? Is outlook.exe running in task scheduler?


Outlook is not running in task manager, nor in processes. I am not aware of
any other programs that scan or use Outlook data. I know I can export to a
backup.pst file to my flash drive, but it takes forever (I need to clean out
my Inbox!), but it used to be so convenient to just copy the outlook.pst file
to the flash drive.

Is task scheduler different from task manager? I really do appreciate your


in message
Outlook is not running in task manager, nor in processes. ...

If outlook.exe is not listed in the Process tab of Task Manager then
Outlook is NOT running. What makes you believe that Outlook is


I know that Outlook is not "running," but when I start Windows, something
accesses Outlook and then I cannot copy the Outlook.pst file to anything. I
know that when I look at the Outlook.pst file in "My Computer" just after
starting my computer, the Outlook.pst file has the new date and time of when
I started Windows. The error message that I get when I try to copy or send
the Outlook.pst file to my flash drive (or even to make a copy of it any
other way) that another program has part of the program locked. I just wish
the error messages could tell me what program is locking Outlook (or a list
of possibilities).


in message
I know that Outlook is not "running," but when I start Windows,
accesses Outlook and then I cannot copy the Outlook.pst file to
anything. I
know that when I look at the Outlook.pst file in "My Computer" just
starting my computer, the Outlook.pst file has the new date and time
of when
I started Windows. The error message that I get when I try to copy
or send
the Outlook.pst file to my flash drive (or even to make a copy of it
other way) that another program has part of the program locked. I
just wish
the error messages could tell me what program is locking Outlook (or
a list
of possibilities).

You could use SysInternals' FileMon to see when and if something is
accessing a file.

You could use Unlocker (http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/) to
determine what has a lock on a file (when you try to move or delete


I really appreciate all who have tried to help. I have made a copy of all
the responses in case I ever have another problem.

I was thinking of removing and then re-installing Office Pro 2003, but
decided to first try another solution. My grandson had downloaded AIM Pro
(AOL's Instant Messenger Pro) after I had changed out my hard drive following
a hard crash, and I remembered that Outlook 2003 had worked just fine after I
had first installed it (I could copy the .pst file to my flash drive), so I
decided to remove AIM Pro and restart my computer. Voila! That worked and
now I am once again able to copy my .pst file to my flash drive.

Thank you all for being so willing to help.

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