Outlook and project workgroups problem



We are trying to use the task based feature of project
with outlook with good results but have two systems that
keep getting an ole error. WGSETUP.EXE is what is needed
to bring project and outlook together to deligate task to
specfic people within outlook. The error I keep getting
on the systems is "One or more OLE controls failed during
initialazation. Reinstall workgroup features and then try
agian." Any Ideas or help on this greatly appreaciated.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

You might want to ask in a Project group as well, since that component comes
from Microsoft Project, I think.


Hey Sue,

I have posted it in the Project group as well the
interop. I think thee must be a setting within outlook
because it gets the message sent in from project lead and
works for the other users, just two users that are having
the prblem. I do not know a thing about ole but hopefully
this can get fixed. Thanks for the advise it was followed.

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