Outlook 2007 - Error Message - Cannot open your default e-mail fol



Can someone HELP???
I have a vista laptop and xp desktop. I share the Outlook pst. file via my
home network. I cut and pasted the archive and outlook pst file to a sharing
file folder on my laptop but was not able to open it with Outlook. I moved
back to its' original folder and didn't not change anything else. Now, I
cannot access outlook at all from either computer. When Outlook launches I
get, "Cannot open your default e-mail folders. File access is denied. You
do not have the permission required to access the file
\\RAMOSDESKTOP\Cynthia-Outlook\Outlook.pst." When I click OK Outlook closes
down so I can never get in to either delete the path or repair it or change
it. I believe whole heartedly that it is not the software but the pst file.
HP had me uninstall the software and as I expected it did not resolve the
issue. Does anyone have any insight to this issue? I figured the file got
corrupted but I don't know how to fix it nor do I know how to open outlook so
I can re-associate the file. HELP!!!!!

Brian Tillman

Cynthia said:
Can someone HELP???
I have a vista laptop and xp desktop. I share the Outlook pst. file
via my home network. I cut and pasted the archive and outlook pst
file to a sharing file folder on my laptop but was not able to open
it with Outlook. I moved back to its' original folder and didn't not
change anything else. Now, I cannot access outlook at all from
either computer. When Outlook launches I get, "Cannot open your
default e-mail folders. File access is denied. You do not have the
permission required to access the file

You're referencing a network shared PST and that's not supported. It
appears the PC called RAMOSDESKTOP has stopped offering the Cynthia-Outlook
share, so you won't be able to access it. Put your PST on your local hard

Dave Harry

Not supported ?!?

Why not? It seems the best way to keep the data backed up. I've been doing
it for years on desktops.

On laptops however I move the file from <user>\Local Settings\... to
<user>\Application Data\...
This allows it to be saved in the roaming profile, but it takes ages to
replicate at each logoff.

What else is the best way of doing this?


If I move it to the application data folder. How do I get Outlook to
reassociate if I can't get it to stay open?


Even if I move it, how am I going to get outlook to re-associate it if I
can't get it to stay open? The right click option available on 2003 is not
availabe on 2007.

Brian Tillman

Cynthia said:
If I move it to the application data folder. How do I get Outlook to
reassociate if I can't get it to stay open?

If you move your PST with Outlook closed, the next time you start Outlook,
it will complain that it can't find your folders and will present a browser
dialogue. Browse to the new location of your PST, select it, and click OK.
Outlook will then open as before.

Make sure you NEVER overwite an existing PST. Also, Outlook doesn't need
the PST to be in the Local Settings\Application Data folder tree. You can
put it in My Documents if you wish, or create another folder just to hold
the PST.


When I moved it, it still had problems. I took a look at properties and
unchecked read-only, when I did that and tried it, it brought up a coment to
try running a "scanpst.exe" file. It repaired something, what I don't know
but I was finally able to open my pst file. The only problem now is that all
my folders where I stored my emails and all my contacts are now gone? where
could they all have gone? Can I run something to bring it all back?

Brian Tillman

Cynthia said:
When I moved it, it still had problems. I took a look at properties
and unchecked read-only, when I did that and tried it, it brought up
a coment to try running a "scanpst.exe" file. It repaired something,
what I don't know but I was finally able to open my pst file. The
only problem now is that all my folders where I stored my emails and
all my contacts are now gone? where could they all have gone? Can I
run something to bring it all back?

If you can open the PST and it appears empty, then it is likely damaged
beyond repair unless one of the commercially-available PST repair tools can
handle it. They'll cost you money. Your best bet is to use a recent backup
of it and transfer it correctly.

Dave Harry

I think it's very probable Cynthia moved it but create-opened a new one in
the orignal place.
I find users trying to shift PST all the time and doing that.

Check the size of your file; is it only about 300kb?

Try: File > Open > Outlook Data File, then search for the new location where
you shifted it to.



I have run across this as well (using Vista, no less). Please verify that
the pst files in their new location on the share are not set to read-only.
It seems Vista automatically assigns pst files (I don't know about other
types) the read-only status when they are moved.


Oh, and to "reassociate" simply rename or delete the new pst file that
Outlook has created. Outlook will then ask you where its default file is
again and you can browse to your correct pst.


Cynthia;2698536 said:
When I moved it, it still had problems. I took a look at properties an

unchecked read-only, when I did that and tried it, it brought up
coment to
try running a "scanpst.exe" file. It repaired something, what I don'
but I was finally able to open my pst file. The only problem now i
that all
my folders where I stored my emails and all my contacts are now gone?
could they all have gone? Can I run something to bring it all back?

Cynthia (e-mail address removed) wrote:
If I move it to the application data folder. How do I get Outloo
reassociate if I can't get it to stay open?-

If you move your PST with Outlook closed, the next time you star
it will complain that it can't find your folders and will present
dialogue. Browse to the new location of your PST, select it, an
click OK.
Outlook will then open as before.

Make sure you NEVER overwite an existing PST. Also, Outlook doesn'
the PST to be in the Local Settings\Application Data folder tree. Yo
put it in My Documents if you wish, or create another folder just t
the PST.

Make a new Pst and import all the file into it.
It will help you to store all your data.
For the more information you can visit my blog

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