Outlook 2007 Cannot send from remote locations



I have Verizon at home and send/receive works fine. But away from home, say
at a hotel, I cannot send through Verizon, as they are not my provider when I
am remote. I have a business website and my website host handles my incoming
just fine, either home or away. What solutions would you recommend? One is
to have Outlook dial up Verizon to send/receive when I am away. Another is
to enable the send feature through my website provider. I am interested in
any other thoughts you or others may have on the best work-around for this.
Not being able to send mail on the road is driving me nuts! Many thanks.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

You will need to set authentication or use the Hotel's service to send. See your ISP's web site for their FAQs - this should be among them, or contact them for how to deal with travelling.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Spareribs823 asked:

| I have Verizon at home and send/receive works fine. But away from
| home, say at a hotel, I cannot send through Verizon, as they are not
| my provider when I am remote. I have a business website and my
| website host handles my incoming just fine, either home or away.
| What solutions would you recommend? One is to have Outlook dial up
| Verizon to send/receive when I am away. Another is to enable the
| send feature through my website provider. I am interested in any
| other thoughts you or others may have on the best work-around for
| this. Not being able to send mail on the road is driving me nuts!
| Many thanks.


Yes, that is correct, and I forgot to include that option as one that I was
considering. Here is why I didn't include it in my choices. Often I check
into hotels late at night. Every hotel has a different provider. I cannot
get someone on the phone for help. It seems a bit laborious to use the
hotel's service and reconfigure the outbound protocol each time, and the
information is not often available without human assistance. Your suggestion
is a good one for an experienced person, but I would have a problem with it.
Thank you for replying. Anyone have any other suggestions?

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