Outlook 2007 Beta IMAP/HOTMAIL cannot send, POP3 can...




Just got Outlook 2007 Beta installed...

Got 3 email accounts, one IMAP, HOTMAIL and one POP3...

All accounts set up correct, test email works, but when send/receive is
presed only the POP3 sends email even that there are emails to be send from
the two other accounts.
When I try to send from one of the two using the drop menu <IMAP> ONLY and
/or <HOTMAIL> ONLY by click on the <INBOX> mails from that account is sent...

Any ideas???


Patrick Schmid

Check your settings in: Tools, Send/Receive, Send/Receive Settings,
Define Send/Receive groups, Edit. Look at your IMAP and Hotmail account
there and see if the setting "send mail items" is checked.

Does this solve the problem?

Patrick Schmid


That was one of the first things I checked...my mistake not telling...I can
also say I been using Outlook 2003 since launched with the same three
different type of email accounts...


Patrick Schmid

I don't know much about hotmail as I don't use it myself. So let me
focus on IMAP.
So you have the IMAP set up correctly and the test email is actually
send from the IMAP account? (have you checked the email header when you
got the test message to verify that?)
When you try to send an email using the IMAP account, you select in the
Account drop down menu on the Message tab, your IMAP account and then
hit send. Then it goes into your outbox but doesn't actually get sent?
However, the message is sent, if you go into your IMAP Inbox?

Did I get that straight?

Patrick Schmid


If hotmail or IMAP is not an issue as both got the same problem while and
POP3 account works fime.

IMAP is set up correct, the test email show the correct header - checked and

When a email is ready I select from which account I want to send the email
from and hit send, the email then go into OUTBOX where it stay until I press
<send/receive> on the main outlook toolbar.
Progress window pops up and show the progress for sending a mail from the
selected account.

So if I send one mail from each 3 accounts then only the POP3 mail is sent,
when pressing <send/receive> on the mail outlook toolbar, and the progress
window only show activity at the POP3 account. The POP3 mail is sent, but not
the hotmail mail and the IMAP mail. The progress window show no error
messages. (it is just like the IMAP and Hotmail acounts is not there.)

When I use the drop down menu found next to the <send/receive> button on the
main outlook toolbar and select either POP3 "only", or IMAP "only" or hotmail
"only" then when selecting hotmail "only" the mail to be sent from teh hotmai
account is sent and same when I select IMAP "only"

So for me to send a email from either the IMAP account or the Hotmail
account, I have to use the drop down meny.

I hope this explains the situation better...

Patrick Schmid

Yes it does. Can you try the following please?
Create a new Outlook profile (Control Panel, Mail while Outlook is
closed, activate that Outlook should ask you at startup which profile to
use). To that profile add all your three accounts, but none of your
current PST files. Then try the same steps again and see if you still
have the same problem.

Patrick Schmid


When upgrading to Outlook 2007 Beta I moved the Outlook 2003 .PST files, so
Outlook 2007 Beta created a new .PST file.
However, during installation Outlook 2007 Beta "found" my emaila ccount
settings and imported the settings.

Just before I read your answer, I deleted the IMAP and hotmail accounts and
re-created them - and???
Yes, I can now send emails from all three accounts.

I did check all settings and I did send a test mail from the IMAP account
when having the problem, but for one or the other reason outlook 2007 Beta
did not importe the settings or what do I know correct. Might be some bug...

Sorry I read this too late as I would have liked to try your suggestion...

Patrick Schmid

The result would have probably been the same. I wonder what the reason
for your trouble could have been. It does sound like some kind of
upgrade bug, but I am not really sure what to tell Microsoft. I'll bug
it though so that MS has something on record. Could you send me an email
please with your email address so that I can pass it on to Microsoft in
case they have questions? Please get my email address off my website.


Patrick Schmid


Thanks and email is sent...

Patrick Schmid said:
The result would have probably been the same. I wonder what the reason
for your trouble could have been. It does sound like some kind of
upgrade bug, but I am not really sure what to tell Microsoft. I'll bug
it though so that MS has something on record. Could you send me an email
please with your email address so that I can pass it on to Microsoft in
case they have questions? Please get my email address off my website.


Patrick Schmid

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