Outlook 2003 stops filtering junk e-mail when using rules

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jon
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searching through the forum backlog is starting to get a
little tedious, so I thought I'd post a new thread:
Is there a solution yet for the problem where Outlook
2003 stops filtering junk e-mail when using rules to move
messages to inbox sub-folders. More detail:
I retrieve mail from different accounts, and sort them as
they arrive into different folders. This works exactly as
I would expect it to. Unfortunately, only the mail that
is in the main inbox becomes filtered for junk/spam. The
other folders are not filtered. What can I do?
Thanks all,

Sorry, I do not have an answer. Do you think M$ even
tested Outlook 2003 in a real environment with spam? I

From what I have been reading Outlook 2003 anti-spam is
only very slightly better than nothing. How nice. All of
the M$ anti-spam marketing blab blab blab is just hot
stinky air...

I will remember this next time M$ wants me to upgrade...

I am very dissatisfied with Outlook 2003 bogus anti-spam -
it's fricken marketing highway robbery.

I actually think that the junk filter works quite well
when set on 'high' - it's just that it seems to ignore
mail sorted by rules. If I thought it was a nearly
useless product, I would just shut it off and not be
bothered with writing about it on a newsgroup :-). cheers,

Well I guess you don't mind getting spam from China,
Czech, Hungary, Romania and other spam havens because the
Outlook 2003 anti-spam will not completely block mail from
these domains.

Do you think M$ will fix your rule problem that makes
Outlook 2003 anti-spam completely non-functional? I
don't. I have been told that I need to spend additional
money elsewhere because M$ is too idiotic to provide a
domain name block in an anti-spam filter.

Isn't it nice that M$ did not even think to test anti-spam
with a rule? The anti-spam "junk-email" feature seems
like an after thought marketing gimmick. Check! - yup (he
he he) we have anti-spam in Outlook 2003 - see, compare
our email program to the competition - they have it - we
have it (just don't actually use it).

M$ is laughing all the way to the bank. Every minute you
and others spend trying to get the Outlook rules to work
with the bogus anti-spam in Outlook 2003 you are sending
M$ another box car of cash - bled from your time.

Anti-spam seems like a fundamental requirement for an
email program - M$ has got their head up their Outlook if
in 2003 they are just noticing spam!!!!

rant over.
The issues your experiencing currently does not have
a fix. Just a work around. Run your rules manually
after all your mail has made it to the inbox (and this
will be after the junk filter has ran).
I have been told that I need to spend additional
money elsewhere because M$ is too idiotic to provide a
domain name block in an anti-spam filter.

Mule muffins. You were directed to use a _free_ product. There are plenty
of _free_ anti-spam tools available. One,
http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/, even integrates right into Outlook.