Outlook 2003 Sending Erros - Help!



Since the latest fix to the junk email filter last week, I have had recurring
errors when trying to send emails. The error I receive is 0x8004210B. I
have searched everyone's issues here I could find without any resolution to
this one. People are receiving my emails 3 times duplicated. This is
causing alot of frustration to my customers as well as to me. The emails sit
forever in my Out Box. I have checked all my settings with my ISP as well as
my web hosting company since my emails are web emails.

Can anyone help me, please??????

K. Orland

Do you have your antivirus program integrated with Outlook? That is, is it
actively scanning incoming/outgoing email?

Disable the integration to see if that helps.


I did disable Norton, with no change in sending emails. I have also allowed
the Outlook in the Access program rules within Norton. It is only scanning
incoming email attachments.

Brian Tillman

Diana said:
Since the latest fix to the junk email filter last week, I have had
recurring errors when trying to send emails. The error I receive is
0x8004210B. I have searched everyone's issues here I could find
without any resolution to this one. People are receiving my emails 3
times duplicated. This is causing alot of frustration to my
customers as well as to me. The emails sit forever in my Out Box. I
have checked all my settings with my ISP as well as my web hosting
company since my emails are web emails.

Can anyone help me, please??????

Did you try uninstalling the update?

K. Orland

Check the Add Ins for Outlook, if there's one for Norton uncheck it and
restart Outlook to see if it helps.

Have there been any updates to your Firewall? Check to see if you may need
to add Outlook to what's outgoing.

Also, verify what type of authentication your ISP requires for SMTP. Make
sure that you haven't chosen SSL if that's not needed.

In addition, can you please post the contents of the entire error message?
Thank you.

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