Outlook 2003 "sending" error


Vito Gerlachi

So...here's the deal. Just bought a brand new Dell with
Windows XP Home, pre-installed. After about two weeks,
whenever I open MS Outlook and click "send/receive", I
get a window labeled "Outlook Send/Receive Progress".

Under the "Errors" tab appears the message:
Task 'My email - Sending' reported error
(0x80040201): 'Unknown Error 0x80040201'

I cannot make this error msg. go away and the window
refreshes itself about once / minute. I've checked the
MS knowledge base about every which way and found no
relevent help.

OK, you Outlook guru's, what's my problem and let's not
make it personal?

Ken Loomis

No Guru here, but Dell should cover you on this one. I, too am having
a problem with XPHome and Outlook (2000). I wonder if it's one of the
XP permissions problems. Are you running as an administrator? Will
it work when running as Administrator?

Vito Gerlachi


Not quite sure what you mean by "...running as an
administrator". I'm the only user. BTW, I've got MS
Ofice 2003 and therefore, Outlook 2003. What are
the "...XP permissions problems" you speak about?


Ken Loomis

Not quite sure what you mean by "...running as an
administrator". I'm the only user. BTW, I've got MS
Ofice 2003 and therefore, Outlook 2003. What are
the "...XP permissions problems" you speak about?

It's not a permissions problem. I ran Outlook as Administrator and I
had the same problem I had before.

Users can be Administrators, Power Users, or Restricted Users (I may
have the terms wrong). Look at Users in the Control Panel to
see/adjust the settings. It's best not to run the system as
administrator as that opens you up to various hacker attacks.


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