Outlook 2003 Crashes when accessing Tools>Options>Mail Format sett



Outlook 2003 crashes every time I try to access and change Mail Format
settings from the Tools>Options pull down menu. I just started using Office
2003 Pro on a new HPDV4340us notebook and discovered the problem while trying
to add Signatures to Mail Accounts.

I’ve added 3 Outlook Profiles and 3 Signature files for Personal email, Work
email, and Group email accounts. At one point while asked to Send or Don’t
Send error report to MS, I think a link to a message popped up stating that a
problem was recurring caused by an HP printer Driver. I’ve since deleted all
HP printers but would rather not remove all outlook profiles to see if the
problem will go away.

I had installed HP printer Drivers from AutoCAD ADT 2005 disk. The printers
were added for use using IP ports but not physically connected to this
network. This network does have a Netgear PS121 print server and HP officejet
V40 printer, fax, scanner, copier attached. The only HP printer currently on
this notebook is a shared network printer, the V40 attached to main PC via
print server.

Believe it or not, I found a work around and was able to add signature files
after many attempts:
1. with Mail Format tab set in the Options dialog, I selected (left click)
on a blank area of the windows task bar to unhighlight HTML in box under
message format.
2. I moved the mouse over the desired signature file to highlight it without
selecting it and moved the mouse so as to keep it highlighted without
actually selecting it and proceeded to select a blank spot on the task bar in
order to enter the signature field without a crash.
3. After numerous tries, I was able to apply the change and save the settings.

Does anyone have similar issues or suggestions to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance for your time and any insight into this problem.


sfunlimited said:
Outlook 2003 crashes every time I try to access and change Mail Format
settings from the Tools>Options pull down menu. ....
Does anyone have similar issues or suggestions to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance for your time and any insight into this problem.


You could try Office Detect and Repair or perform a repair installation
using Add/Remove Programs. Detect and Repair can be accessed on the Help menu
of most of the Office apps.

Ronald Nissley


I tried Detect and Repair - no change.
I tried removing all Outlook Profiles - no change.
I will try repair installation in add remove programs next...

Is it possible that ALPS Touchpad driver on HP DV4340us Notebook causes

Here is the Event Error Message:
Faulting application outlook.exe, version 11.0.8118.0, stamp 456628bf,
faulting module user32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2622, stamp 42260159, debug? 0,
fault address 0x000529a6.



I had this same problem but I found that if I tabbed through the fields and
selected the signatures by just typing the first letter of their names that I
could then tab to the Ok button and all of the settings were retained.
Lesson: Don't click, Tab.

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