Outlook 2002 Not Displaying Messages In HTML Format



I can't for the life of me figure out why this is happening, but my
Outlook 2002 is just displaying all messages in plain text format!

Very strange. I only recently went up to 2002 from 2000. In 2000 it
was fine.

Windows XP Pro, SP2, all updates installed.
Outlook 2002 v. (10.6515.6735) SP3

I currently have 2 add-ons installed:

PocketKnife Peek
Outlook Backup

Any suggestions?

PS - IE is not my default browser, Firefox is. In case that has
anything to do with it.



Atreju said:
I can't for the life of me figure out why this is happening, but my
Outlook 2002 is just displaying all messages in plain text format!

Very strange. I only recently went up to 2002 from 2000. In 2000 it
was fine.

Windows XP Pro, SP2, all updates installed.
Outlook 2002 v. (10.6515.6735) SP3

I currently have 2 add-ons installed:

PocketKnife Peek
Outlook Backup

Any suggestions?

PS - IE is not my default browser, Firefox is. In case that has
anything to do with it.

Never used PocketKnife Peek (no point to it). To start Outlook in its safe
mode so no plug-ins get loaded (so you can check if the plug-ins are causing
the problem), run "<path>\outlook.exe /safe". <path> is wherever you
installed Outlook.

Could be you have Outlook configured to always display e-mails in plain-text
format. This was not an option available in the GUI panels in Outlook but
was available as a registry hack (i.e., you went into the registry to enable
it rather than use the GUI for Outlook to set the option). It is very
possible that the Peek plug-in changed this registry value. Peek provided
value in OL2000 but is superfluous in OL2002 and OL2003. You can get
Attachment Options (a link is somewhere at http://www.slipstick.com) or
change the following registry item (see

My guess is Peek set the registry value so the view would be forced to use
plain-text, so now Outlook always displays as plain-text whether or not you
use Peek.


Never used PocketKnife Peek (no point to it). To start Outlook in its safe
mode so no plug-ins get loaded (so you can check if the plug-ins are causing
the problem), run "<path>\outlook.exe /safe". <path> is wherever you
installed Outlook.

Could be you have Outlook configured to always display e-mails in plain-text
format. This was not an option available in the GUI panels in Outlook but
was available as a registry hack (i.e., you went into the registry to enable
it rather than use the GUI for Outlook to set the option). It is very
possible that the Peek plug-in changed this registry value. Peek provided
value in OL2000 but is superfluous in OL2002 and OL2003. You can get
Attachment Options (a link is somewhere at http://www.slipstick.com) or
change the following registry item (see

My guess is Peek set the registry value so the view would be forced to use
plain-text, so now Outlook always displays as plain-text whether or not you
use Peek.

Now that you mention it, I think I recall doing this very thing -
making a registry entry to force non-html view. I will check into it.

Thanks for the reply.



On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 09:56:13 -0600, "Vanguard"


I remember making the registry change, but on my previous edition of
Outlook. It seems Windows retained the setting.

In case anyone needs to know:


Data Name: ReadAsPlain
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 0 for no, meaning read in original format whatever it is; 1 for
yes, meaning force plain text always.

Thanks again!


Brian Tillman

Vanguard said:
My guess is Peek set the registry value so the view would be forced
to use plain-text, so now Outlook always displays as plain-text
whether or not you use Peek.

Pocketknife Peek will provide access to the registry setting for OL 2002 via
the add-in's GUI. The OP should click Tools>Options, select the PocketKnife
Peek tab, and make sure the two check boxes at the bottom ("Reply/Forward as
plain" and "Regardless of original format") are unchecked.

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