outlook 2000



I tried to install Office 2000 on my laptop that came with Vista Home
Premium. Outlook is not working properly. It wants to reinstall every time I
try to run it and it will not register as my default mail. Any suggestions?


Thanks Peter. I still have questions. Can you stop the start up screen from
coming up? Can you make Outlook the default for email? Does the Vista mail
allow you to use contacts and mail merge?


Curing the Default mail prompt and the nag screen:

I struggled with this for a few minutes before it occured to me that the
application doesn't have permission to modify the default mail application,
hence the reason it prompts all the time. Simply run outlook.exe directly
using the run "as administrator" option on the context menu. After it goes
through doing more oddball install stuff and complaining about having to
recreate the custom links in the original outlook 2000 .pst, the e-mail
opens. Close it down and run it normally and all is well.


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