Out of Office Assistant in Microsoft Outlook 2007



On my home laptop I have Outlook 2007 but I am not able to find the out of
office asssitant that in the tools menu like I can at work. Where is it on
my home version? Please help!

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

On my home laptop I have Outlook 2007 but I am not able to find the out of
office asssitant that in the tools menu like I can at work. Where is it on
my home version? Please help!

The Out of Office Assistant exists only when you are using an Exchange
account. Most home users don't use Exchange, but use POP/SMTP, IMAP/SMTP, or
the Outlook Connector and a Hotmail/Live account. You're better off seeing if
your mail service provides a vacation function you can configure by logging
into the mail service via its web interface. Otherwise, you can construct a
rule in Outlook to emulate the OOA and leave Outlook running while you're
gone. See this:

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