Out of Memory exception while retrieving data




I am currently involved in development of customer database. This database contains around 150,000 records. We have a search screen where users may search customers. However when search to retriev all records is fired, we recieve out of memory exception. When we verified the server resources, there was 600MB of ram available and 80GB of disk space. Also afetr waiting for few minutes, if we search again using filtering criteria to reduce the number of customers then the page works fine.

We also found out the following link at MS site which somewhat matches our problem situation. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=825680



since u r talking about a web application, it may not be a problem of ur
server. did u checked in the client computer resourses? is it also have lot
of free RAM and disc space?

to solve this, use pagination in DataGrid.


PVV30 said:

I am currently involved in development of customer database. This database
contains around 150,000 records. We have a search screen where users may
search customers. However when search to retriev all records is fired, we
recieve out of memory exception. When we verified the server resources,
there was 600MB of ram available and 80GB of disk space. Also afetr waiting
for few minutes, if we search again using filtering criteria to reduce the
number of customers then the page works fine.
We also found out the following link at MS site which somewhat matches our
problem situation. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=825680

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

depending on how many columns you have for your dataset, it may consume over
200megs for the 150k records. couple that to what the system is already
using and a you will be stressing the server. In addition, the link
describes what is known as the VLO (very large objects) bug which is what
you are running into.

From a design point of view, there should NEVER be a need to bring back that
many rows into a webpage. your design should center around making *chatty
calls to the server instead of *chunky calls. Put another, go get small bits
of data as opposed to one big nasty dataset.

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