OT: printing from command prompt


Bill Lentz

In DOS, I used to be able to list a directory to the printer by typing
something like DIR >lpt1. Can anyone tell me if this is still
possible from the XP command prompt and what the command would be to a
USB001 printer?



Bill said:
In DOS, I used to be able to list a directory to the printer by typing
something like DIR >lpt1. Can anyone tell me if this is still
possible from the XP command prompt and what the command would be to a
USB001 printer?


Not sure about USB, but Window R (run), cmd.exe to get the command line,
then dir (with switches?) and >textfile.txt will place the output into a
text file you can improt, edit, whatever...


Harlan Grove

Bill Lentz wrote...
In DOS, I used to be able to list a directory to the printer by typing
something like DIR >lpt1. Can anyone tell me if this is still
possible from the XP command prompt and what the command would be to a
USB001 printer?
From a console propmt issue the MODE command without any arguments. It
should display current console settings for all I/O devices available
from the console. If you can use your USB printer from the console, its
device name should appear in MODE's output. If not, you'll need a
2-step process, redirecting output from DIR into a temporary text file,
then printing that file using Notepad (this assumes your USB printer is
your default printer).

dir > %TEMP%\#DELETE.ME#
start /min /wait notepad /p %TEMP%\#DELETE.ME#

Put it all in a batch file if you'd do this often.

Dave Peterson

Can't you go into Control Panel|Printers and rightclick on your USB printer and
choose properties.

Then on the Ports tab, you can assign it to LPT1

(Untested, but I think I've done this before.)

But before you make any changes, make sure you make a note of the existing
settings--just in case you have to put things back.

Bill Lentz

Not sure about USB, but Window R (run), cmd.exe to get the command line,
then dir (with switches?) and >textfile.txt will place the output into a
text file you can improt, edit, whatever...


Thanks - that does the trick

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