I have not asked because since last wednesday I have been in the
hospital. I have had a fever, severe pain in my head and ear on the
right side. This started last friday and was getting worse so wed I
was hospitilazed. I had a surgical procedure and biopsy to one of
the arteries near my ear lobe because they think it might be
inflammmed and if so could lead to blindness. Since the fever broke
on tuesday and the results of the biopsy will not be till friday,
given to the fact that there is a major snowstorm here today the
doctors allowed me to go home last night. I am on steriods and other
meds and right now I am lying on my sofa typing this from my laptop
to see what is going on in here
I have no strength to do anything but veg but I wanted to at least
see how many security updates there are so hopefully by this weekend
when I get some strength back I can go on my own machines and do the
then prepare my clients.