OT I would want protect my sheets of excel from a "password recovery" software... How?


-= Luca =-

I would want protect my sheets of excel from a "password recovery"
software... How?

I would want protect my sheets of excel,
I do not want that mine concurrent can open the parts I have protect, with a
"password recovery".
How I can protect my job effectively?

Excuse my English bad one


In the final analysis, you can't. But you could code your worksheet so that
macros test whether the sheet and vba project are protected and only supply
critical details/functions if the protection is on.


-= Luca =-

Hi macropod,

Let me know if I have understend what you tell me:

I cant protect using excel psw cause psw recovery easyly crack my psw.

but I could do a macro like this:
"if psw=off;select all sheets+cancel all sheets+save all" ? I think this
could be a good protection
but.... i dont know how to do this...couse I dont know VB6 :-( could help me
with a little example?

Your download link: http://www.easy-sharing.com/471922/secret



Hi Luca,

Not quite, more like:
If ThisWorkbook.Protection = False Then
'Do stuff (eg delete sheet(s), vba modules, then save and exit)
'Do stuff (eg make sheets visible, add formulae/values, then set 'saved'
property to true)
End If

Actually implementing it would largely be workbook/sheet specific, and you'd
need code to deal with file saving & closing, so that your critical
details/functions aren't made available if the user saves, closes & re-opens
the workbook with macros disabled. None of this is bullet-proof, but the
fact that it acts opposite to what most users would expect adds protection.


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