OT-develing on several machines


Jon Doe


Sorry for this OT post.
What is the norm when you have to use 2 or more machines when you develop? I
use a workstation as my main developer machines, but quite often I need to
use my laptop instead for variouse reasons. How does people tend to handle
the issue with saving y our source code. I guess that I could use sourcesafe
on my fileserver, but what do people normally do? Save projects to a
fileshare or do you store files locally and move it between machines?




On a regular basis I am developing on 6 different machines in 3 geographical

Using a flash drive to store my source code has worked great for me. The
flash drive is always with me and can be plugged into any USB port and just

I open/modify/save directly to the flash drive and back it up on a regular

Kerry Moorman


I have a drive on my home network that houses all the source code -
regardless of the machine I'm using, I open the project from the
network. That way my network backup always catches the current source
code. Key point though, my execution path is local on each machine I use.


Theo Verweij

I develop in VMWare virtual machines (one per customer).
These virtual machines are located on an external HD, so I can work on
whatever machine I want (just have to install the VMWare player to work
with it). Every night this disk is backuped to tape.

VSS (or another source control program) is needed when
- you work with more than one developer
- if you want to have sourcecode history.

I use VSS because of the second reason (and in some cases for the first

Jon Doe

What do you mean by that your execution path is local? How do you do this in


Go to the project properties, expand Configuration Properties, click on
Build. In the Output Path, put a local folder that will be the same on
every machine you use to work on the project. Then you can have all the
source code on a network drive. When you run it in debug mode, it will
build and execute from the local drive you selected, so you don't get
the permission error.

Have fun!


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