Organizing worksheets in a workbook



I have a master worksheet with system downtime data. Example

System Date owner time down
XXX 12/5 Jim 12:45
YYY 12/5 Jim 1:30
ZZZ 12/5 Frank 2:45
XXX 12/8 Jim 3:15

I then have worksheets for each of the Systems XXX, YYY, and ZZZ. I used an
IF statement to pull the rows of data to the respective worksheets. The
problem is the data for XXX shows on rows 1 and 4 of the XXX worksheet and I
have 2 blank rows where the YYY and ZZZ data was. Is there anyway to get the
2nd XXX data on Row 2 on the XXX worksheet.

My IF statement on the XXX worksheet in A2 is IF('sheet1'!A2:A2000 = "XXX",


Bill Ridgeway

The problems with using IF statements is that they may be rather cumbersome
and may become unreliable when the data in the master worksheet is moved or
deleted (as I think you may have already found).

Are you using the worksheets for each of the systems XXX etc as a means of
analysing data in the master worksheet? If so, you could reduce the
workload by using 'pivot tables' (if you want a printable table of
abstracted data) or 'Advance filter' (if you want data in the form of a


Bill Ridgeway
Computer Solutions

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