"Organize" doesnt Organize



its Outlook 2007

i was trying to use the feature of colouring the outlines of emails using
the button "Organize" which enables me to choose different viewing colours
for emails according to certain coinditions.

i wanted it to show all emails that come only to me in red colour. it didnt
work! and here is what i did:

Menu bar > tools > Organize > Using colours > Automatic Formatting > Add >
"new name" > font > red > ok > condition > Advanced > Find items that match
these criteria > "TO" box is exactly "choose my email" > add to list > ok >

the same was done to colour emails sent from me to some mate and it didnt
work where the condition chosen was :

condition > Advanced > Find items that match these criteria > " "TO" box
contains "choose my mates emails" > add to list > ok > ok.

nothing worked :-(

... any solution :-(



I have Just discovered that Outlook2007 Organize function is SO STUPID and
it doesnt depend on the data that Outlook contains in the email.

In other words, that silly feature "reads the characters" that exist in a
certain field (To, Cc, Bcc, From... etc) without relating them to the
Information that exists in the structure of the email or in the database of

Example: if i want emails from my mate Lucy to appear in red i cant just
choose the criterion to be her email. NO, i should first make sure HOW her
contact information appears in the "From" field.

so if it appears as ( Lucy ) where brakets are not included the criterion
should be Lucy, if her contact appears as ( 'Lucy' ) then the criterion
should be 'Lucy' with the apostrophe at both ends. If her email appears then
the criterion is her email..

In other words, Organize feature is not that clever at all as it reads the
information field without testing the related data to that field..

SHAME indeed !

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

that method uses the Display name, not the email address. you can use
automatic formatting for more options, including the email address - use the
From field on the general tab.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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