Organise Taskbar?!?!




Firstly I assume more Americans will read this, so change the title to
"Organize Taskbar?!?!"... I am English and we spell it organise... Just
thought I'd mention that so people didn't think I couldn't spell :)

Not sure if anyone has wanted this before, I know I have wanted it for a
while and hoped that it might be in Vista... but according to RC1 it doesn't
appear to be?

I'm very fussy when it comes to the order my programs appear in the Windows
Taskbar. Everyday I have the same programs open and they HAVE to be in the
correct order, if one goes out of place I have to close ALL the programs and
open them in the correct order again.

Maybe its a bit of an OCD for me? Or others do the same? But having to close
all the programs everytime is quite frustrating (although it doesn't happen
often cos I make sure they don't go in the wrong order). Any chance an
addition can be made where I can re-arrange the order my programs are listed
in the taskbar? Either by dragging the program in the taskbar to my desired
position? Or even right clicking and arranging it that way?

Would LOVE to see this added... if not I suppose I'll live without it, but
it would be a great feature?


Steve McKeogh

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IF you are talking about the icons in the taskbar, they can be arranged by
right clicking on the taskbar, unchecking LOCK THE TASKBAR, moving the icons
where you want them, and then lock the taskbar. I have noticed the icons
don't always stay in the same place in some builds of the Beta - but RC1
seems to be ok. You can move them around so the align to your satisfaction
should you end up with 2 rows of them.



Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough. I don't mean the quick launch icons, I
mean my open programs in the taskbar.

For example if I had Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word and Mozilla Thunderbird
open, I would have them programs in my taskbar cos they are open. Then
clicking on each takes you to that program. Must be a name for these in the
taskbar, but I can't think what it is :)

I want to organise them... I know 100% that this cannot be done in Vista,
nor any other version of windows.

Does that make sense now?


Now I understand - not sure you can do that - IF there is a way,
somebody here will tell you, these people are great.
And if there isn't a way - these people will find/invent one :blush:)

Bye Bye logon sound.........................YES!

Angel Massa

I always wanted this feature. I agree with keogh that will be great to drag
the task bar programs to change his order.



I think he means the program buttons. Doh!
BChat said:
IF you are talking about the icons in the taskbar, they can be arranged by
right clicking on the taskbar, unchecking LOCK THE TASKBAR, moving the
icons where you want them, and then lock the taskbar. I have noticed the
icons don't always stay in the same place in some builds of the Beta - but
RC1 seems to be ok. You can move them around so the align to your
satisfaction should you end up with 2 rows of them.


Firstly I assume more Americans will read this, so change the title to
"Organize Taskbar?!?!"... I am English and we spell it organise... Just
thought I'd mention that so people didn't think I couldn't spell :)

I'm very fussy when it comes to the order my programs appear in the
Taskbar. Everyday I have the same programs open and they HAVE to be in the
correct order, if one goes out of place I have to close ALL the programs
open them in the correct order again.

Maybe its a bit of an OCD for me?


No wonder the states revolted. Bad spelling and OCD fanaticism

Lang Murphy

I'm American... ;-D

On first read... I thought you were a nutter.

After short consideration, I think it's a good idea.

You, and everyone else who thinks this is a good idea, should use the
Feedback icon on the desktop to tell MS.


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