OrderNumber, Invoice Number, Credit Number



I am currently building ordering database for my business. I am
currenlty use 1, 2, 3 ect for OrderNumbers Invoice Number and Credit
To genetate the number i am using the following code on the Deafual
setting of the field on the form


This works fine . I have been thingking that i will be having a lot of
number and it might get confusing if they are order number, invoice
numbers ect

i was thinkinking of somthing like OR0001 for OrderNumber, IN0001 for
invoice Number and CR0001 for Credit Number

This way i will under stand the number easier when dealing with

Is there a way to do this, or can any onesurgest a way to do it.


Graham Mandeno

Hi Simon

Don't store the prefix as part of the number. Rather, just add it to the
number when it is displayed on a form or printed in a report.

For example, on your "print an order" report, you could set the Format
property of the OrderNumber textbox to:

Or you could explicitly set its ControlSource to:
=Format([OrderNumber], "\O\R0000")

Joseph Meehan

Simon said:
I am currently building ordering database for my business. I am
currenlty use 1, 2, 3 ect for OrderNumbers Invoice Number and Credit
To genetate the number i am using the following code on the Deafual
setting of the field on the form


This works fine . I have been thingking that i will be having a lot of
number and it might get confusing if they are order number, invoice
numbers ect

i was thinkinking of somthing like OR0001 for OrderNumber, IN0001 for
invoice Number and CR0001 for Credit Number

This way i will under stand the number easier when dealing with

Is there a way to do this, or can any onesurgest a way to do it.


Do you have different fields for the different numbers? I would guess
your would want an Order Number filed, Credit number field etc. More
knowledge of what you are doing would help here. For example is the Credit
Number filed a credit card number? You would want to store what type of
credit care as well, Since a customer may have two or more different numbers
of the same type card (like Visa) you need to make plans for that.

I do not suggest you store the prefix like OR of IN You likely want to
store the number in a filed that identifies it as OR or IN and you generally
would add the OR or IN on reports forms etc. so they display as you wish.
It is possible to store both in one text field, but I would suggest trying
to avoid that.

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