order of forms loading...


Brad Pears

I have an application where I am loading a form that contains three
subforms. One of these subforms is actually a "container" where I am
dynamically loading other forms into it depending on certain options chosen.
I am using the .sourceobject property to do this.

It has not been working too badly but recently I have run into some issues.
In one of the subforms, I am populating a hidden field with the value of a
textbox from one of the other forms - which I expected to already have been
loaded. What I am finding is that this form had not loaded it's objects yet
and as a result the value I wanted did not exist - hence it was "null".

What I am wondering is if someone can tell me in what order Access loads
forms/subforms etc.. and is there any way to force a particular form to
ALWAYS load first....



Ken Snell \(MVP\)

ACCESS will load subforms first, then the main form. What I do to handle the
setting of properties and values in subforms in these cases is to not have a
SourceObject for the subforms initially, then let the main form assign a
SourceObject to the subforms using the main form's Load event or some other
action that the user causes to occur.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Normally, you wouldn't worry about the order of the forms loading. Simply
add a delay in the subform's load event. and have the it requery. Here's
some code that you can use to add a delay. A half second should be more than

Public Function Delay(dblInterval As Double)
' Name: Delay
' Purpose: Generic delay code
' Inputs: dblInterval As Double
' Author: Arvin Meyer
' Date: January 2, 1999
' Comment:
On Error GoTo Err_Delay
Dim Timer1 As Double
Dim Timer2 As Double

Timer1 = Timer()
Do Until Timer2 >= Timer1 + dblInterval
Timer2 = Timer()

Exit Function

Select Case Err

Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Delay
End Select

End Function

Use it like:

Delay (0.5)
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads

Brad Pears

That sounds good but the problem is that by using a delay it appears that it
is just holding up the loading of this other subform that I really need to
be present as well! I need to be able to specify somehow what form to load

I tried the delay and no matter what I set it to, the other form does not
load until AFTER this one, so it is defeating the purpose...

Thanks anyway though.. I will use your delay function for other things!


Brad Pears

I will try that - but is there no way at all to specify what forms to load
in what order?

Thanks, Brad

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

No, you have no control over the order of the forms loading. So that is why
I control the "assignment" of the SourceObject by code, as that lets you
control the process.


Maybe you could check for "isloaded" and loop the delay until the desired
form is present....

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