Options for a Report vis Form


David Ross

I'm new at Access so please bear with me.

I put together a Form without a data source. Just unbound text fields to
allow someone to enter some min and max values to control a report. I
then make a control to open the report. (I tried both a Macro and via
VBA.) The report has a source query which references the min and max
values from the first form. I seem to be getting "junk" in these
references. If I put these values referring back to the form in the
query as expressions with their own columns I see nothing be maybe some
high ASCII characters. Help?

Allen Browne

It sounds like Access is misunderstanding the data types here.

That can happen with:
- unbound controls on a form;
- calculated fields in a query;
- UNION queries;
- Variants in VBA code.

For suggestions on how to avoid the issues, see:
Calculated fields misinterpreted

David Ross

Allen said:
It sounds like Access is misunderstanding the data types here.

That can happen with:
- unbound controls on a form;
- calculated fields in a query;
- UNION queries;
- Variants in VBA code.

For suggestions on how to avoid the issues, see:
Calculated fields misinterpreted
That was the issue. Thanks. Not obvious at all.

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