Operation must use an updateable query.



I keep getting this error whenever I run my ASP page
Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
Operation must use an updateable query.
/usergroup/addtodbase.asp, line 37

I've searched about this error in the internet but I can't find the answer.
I hope somebody can help me in here...

<% @ Language="VBScript" %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<title>Form to database</title>
'declare your variables
Dim name, staffno, comments
Dim sConnString, connection, sSQL

' Receiving values from Form, assign the values entered to variables
name = Request.Form("name")
staffno = Request.Form("staffno")
comments =Request.Form("comments")

'declare SQL statement that will query the database
sSQL = "INSERT into tbluserdbase (name, staffno, comments) values ('" & _
name & "', '" & staffno & "', '" & comments & "')"

'define the connection string, specify database
'driver and the location of database
sConnString= "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source = " & Server.MapPath("userdatabase.mdb")

'create an ADO connection object
Set connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'Open the connection to the database

'execute the SQL

response.write "The form information was inserted successfully."

' Done. Close the connection object
Set connection = Nothing

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

Douglas J. Steele

ASP usually runs under the security context IUSR_<nameofcomputer>. Make sure
that ID has the appropriate permissions on the folder where the MDB file
exists: it must have a minimum of Read, Write and eXecute permission on the
folder, or else the locking file (ldb) won't be utilized.

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