Opening multiple files



When opening several AutoCAD drawings from Windows Explorer, I usually select multiple files, right click, and "Launch AutoCAD". I also use this process to open multiple Excel or Word documents. The mouse arrow changes to an hourglass for an instant, and then back to an arrow without opening any file. This method worked fine on W2K and on my other XP machine, but no longer works on this XP macchine.

Using "Open with..." gets only slightly better results. However it will only open the file that happens to be behind the arrow.

A quick search of the knowledge base didn't turn up anything. Probably all the wrong keywords on my part. Any ideas?

Any help is appreciated.



I have the same problem (and the same problem with coming up with ways to search it out)...any luck yet Todd? Or can anyone help out here?


I am going to plagiarize Todd’s letter because the problem is very similar. Thanks Todd:

When opening several jpeg files from Windows Explorer, I usually select multiple files, right click, and "Open". The files would normally open in Paintshop Pro as separate file windows. I also use this process to open multiple Excel or Word documents. This procedure worked fine until last week when I built a new PC and moved my XP "F" drive from a dual boot ME/XP system into the new machine. When I reinstalled XP as the now "C" drive (previously "F") it keep all my old files but the multi-file open ability changed. Now when I try the same procedure it opens multiple copies of Paint shop pro with one jpeg open in each copy. If I try to open more then 3-4 files the system runs out of resources and errors out and I have to close them all from the task list.

In addition A few weeks ago my office PC was upgraded to with a new box and XP from W2000. Now in the new box when I try the same opening technique the mouse arrow changes to an hourglass for an instant, and then back to an arrow without opening any file. This method worked fine on the W2K machine, but no longer works on the new XP machine.

Using "Open with..." gets only slightly better results. However it will only open the file that happens to be behind the arrow.

A quick search of the knowledge base didn't turn up anything. Probably all the wrong keywords on my part. As Todd indicates any help is appreciated.

Here is another strange wrinkle. If the IT guys at the office use my office box remotely the multiple file open scenario works like expected????

This is just a thought but I wonder if a recent update may have screwed something up. I fully updated my new machine before using it and I believe there were a few updates added to it that were not on the XP partition of my old dual boot setup. I am sure that the IT guys keep the office machines up to date.


Partial success.

Following a recent crash, I have reinstalled XP on my PC at home. I am now able to perform the multi-file open method from Windows Explorer. This method successfully opened about 30 Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files from the same folder.

The XP install on my machine at work was Ghosted by the IT department. I can only assume that there is a setting somewhere that disables this feature...maybe in the registry. I asked the IT guy, but he has never used this file open method.

The search continues...


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