Opening an external non access folder from within access



I was wondering if anyone knows how you can use a command button to open a file or folder not related to access (eg having a command button on a form to open a word doc or a program folder). I am very new to access and would appreciate any info you may be able to give


Albert D. Kallal

You can place the following code behind a button to open any document as if
you clicked on it.

APPLICATION.FollowHyperlink "C:\AC.TXT"

or to open a word doc file you would use:

application.FollowHyperLink "c:\my documents\myResume.doc"

or Excel

application.FollowHyperLink "c:\my documents\myBudjet.xls"


The code below will open an excel Spreadsheet, the same can be done fo
word or any other MS application in they all have an object in the M
world. To open other applications you may have to do somethin

Dim xls As Excel.Application

Set xls = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlbook = xls.Workbooks.Open(NameandPathOfExcelSS)
Set xlsheet = xlbook.Worksheets(1)
'xls.Visible = Tru

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