opening a workbook from an windows forms app



i have a windows forms app where users input simple text data. i would like
to print that data by copying it onto an excel spreadsheet. problem is, i
can't seem to figure out to perform the simple task of opening the workbook
from code. any ideas?

note: i have VSTO, if this helps.


i've been looking around there, but all the article assume you are working
with one project. i need to be able to compile an excel workbook project and
call it's functions. (Or preferably, just add the neccessary references to
my windows forms app and automate all of it form there.)
any more specific links?


I think you will be hard pressed to compile an excel workbook project .
Excel's functions are embedded with the Excel executable.
Or else I don't understand you terminology.

Maybe you should ask your question in the Office Developer newsgroups - they
are more oriented to VSTO. This group is more oriented to the internal
scripting of Excel.

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