Opening a form from switchboard



I have tried answers given to similar questions on here to no avail, so
maybe you can help me.
I am trying to open a form from a switchboard in datasheet view, although
when i try this it opens as a single form. I have set the properties on the
form to show datasheet only and this still does not work. When i open the
form normally it will open in datasheet view and it's only from the
switchboard that i'm having trouble. I only want one of my forms to do this.

Thanks in advance

Dave FFM


It would have helped had you mentioned what you have tried, and posted the
code you are using to open the form. The code behind the command button
should be something like:
DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", acFormDS

If you are using the switchboard wizard or manager or whatever it's called,
I don't think I can help. I think it uses macros, with which I am
unfamiliar. In any case I haven't used the switchboard manager since some
early Access lessons.


It would help me if you had actually read my original post. I stated that i
had set the form properties to "datasheet view" only, and yes i am using the
Switchboard Manager. The code for the switchboard will be the default for
opening a form in edit mode, and all i really wanted to know is if the code
needed to be changed anywhere and what it should be changed to. If you don't
know how to use the switchboard then what was the point in posting?


Go back and read YOUR original posting. You mentioned a switchboard, but
not that you had set it up using the switchboard manager. You mentioned
that the code wasn't working, but not what the code actually is. You
assumed that your few words contain all of the necessary information, when
in fact they could mean any number of things.
Now take the time to look at my reply. I pointed out that your OP was short
on details, but that given a certain set of assumptions there was something
you could try; given another set of assumptions I couldn't really suggest


Points noted. Sorry i didn't mean to be like that just had a bad morning.
I'll post more detail next time. Sorry again


I appreciate your reply. My morning didn't get off to such a hot start
either, or I would probably have simply said to myself "Hmm. Somebody's
having a bad day."

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