opening 2 excel workbooks at the same time



I have Microsoft Excell 2000 on a windows 98 platform. I have a dual video
card which enables me to view two different views on two different monitors
at the same time. How can I open and work on two different excell workbooks
at the same time? I can accomplish this in microsoft word by holding the
shift key. I have tried this method without any good results. Any suggestions
would be welcomed. Thank you.

Earl Kiosterud


There are a couple of ways:

Extend the Excel application window across both monitors. It may not
maximize across both monitors, in which case you can leave it restored
(window -- not maximized). Now open both workbooks, and adjust each's
document (inner) window to the monitor desired. Either would probably
maximize across the whole of both monitors, in which case you'll have to
leave them restored (window - not maximized0 also.

Another is to start another instance of Excel. It will whine about only
having read-only access to Personal.xls, and things like that, but it's a
small inconvenience. Just stay aware of that -- you won't be able to put
macros into Personal.xls in the second instance of Excel. . Put each Excel
in the desired monitor. You'll probably be able to maximize them.

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