OpenDatabase/OpenConnection commands



I am trying to rewrite a database from an older version of Access to Access
2000. VBA is still fairly new to me and there is a single line of code that
is giving me a problem.

Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("p:gautam\tables.mdb")

According to the book I have in the newer version of access, this line
should read:

Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenConnection("p:gautam\tables.mdb")

Neither of these lines work. Any help or suggestions?

Dirk Goldgar

D Huber said:
I am trying to rewrite a database from an older version of Access to
Access 2000. VBA is still fairly new to me and there is a single line
of code that is giving me a problem.

Set accrual =

According to the book I have in the newer version of access, this line
should read:

Set accrual =

Neither of these lines work. Any help or suggestions?

OpenConnection would only be for an ODBCDirect workspace, to open a
connection to an ODBC database. You wouldn't use it to open an .mdb

What are you actually trying to do, and what error are you getting? "It
doesn't work" isn't enough information to go on. Is
"p:gautam\tables.mdb" a separate database from the current database?
Did you declare "accrual" As DAO.Database?


The error message states: "Operation is not supported for this type of object."
"p:gautam\tables.mdb" is a separate database that I believe I am trying to
set accruals to, and yes accruals is declared as DAO.Database.

Dirk Goldgar

D Huber said:
The error message states: "Operation is not supported for this type
of object." "p:gautam\tables.mdb" is a separate database that I
believe I am trying to
set accruals to, and yes accruals is declared as DAO.Database.

Please post the complete code. The following works fine for me:

Dim accrual As DAO.Database

Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("c:\temp\db1.mdb")

Debug.Print accrual.Name, accrual.TableDefs.Count

Set accrual = Nothing

Is your code running in an .mdb file, or in an .adp?


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim accrual As Database
Dim Accts As Recordset, MoveTable As Recordset

Dim MaxDateQry As Recordset

Dim DayCriteria As String, DayQuery As Command, WorkingSet As Recordset
Dim TableName As String, MoveTableName As String

Dim DayOfWeek As Integer, DayField, strPurpose As String, MoveDate As Date

Dim intCounter As Integer

'Movement Build variables
Dim Criteria As String, CriteriaCount As Integer

'AddMultiDay variables
Dim strMsg As String, dteCounter As Date, ctlText As Control

Public Function SelectMove()

DayOfWeek = 1
MoveTableName = "Movements"
TableName = "Accounts"
MoveDate = dteCounter
DayOfWeek = WeekDay(MoveDate, 1)

Select Case DayOfWeek
Case 2
DayField = "rMonday"
Case 3
DayField = "rTuesday"
Case 4
DayField = "rWednesday"
Case 5
DayField = "rThursday"
Case 6
DayField = "rFriday"
End Select

Select Case Forms![Movement Build]!cmbPurpose
Case 99
strPurpose = ""
Case Else
strPurpose = " AND [PurposeType] = " & Str$(Forms![Movement
End Select

DayCriteria = "SELECT * FROM " & TableName & " WHERE " & DayField & " = YES"
& strPurpose

Set WorkingSet = accrual.OpenRecordset(DayCriteria)

Set MoveTable = accrual.OpenRecordset(MoveTableName)

If Not (WorkingSet.EOF) Then
Do Until WorkingSet.EOF
For intCounter = 1 To WorkingSet!DailyOccur
Next intCounter

End If

End Function

Public Function Refresh_Movement_Build()
Forms![Movement Build].Requery
Forms![Movement Build].Refresh
End Function

Public Function GetMaxDate()
Dim LastDate As Date, NextDate As Date, LastDay As Integer
Dim ARTally As Database, MaxDateQry As Recordset

'Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("h:\freight finance
Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("c:\tl accrual\freight
finance tables.mdb")
Set MaxDateQry = accrual.OpenRecordset("MaxDate")

LastDate = MaxDateQry!MaxDate
LastDay = WeekDay(LastDate, 1)

Select Case LastDay
Case 5
NextDate = LastDate + 3
Case Else
NextDate = LastDate + 1
End Select


End Function

Public Function AddMovement()
' this function add movements to the table
With WorkingSet
MoveTable![AcctCodeKey] = ![AcctCodeKey]
MoveTable![CarrierNmb] = ![CarrierNmb]
MoveTable![Cost] = ![Cost]
MoveTable![MiscCharge] = ![MiscCharge]
MoveTable![FuelCharge] = ![FuelCharge]
MoveTable![MoveDate] = MoveDate
MoveTable![Describe] = ![Dest]
End With

End Function

Public Function AddMultiDay()
' this routine adds multiple days to the movement table

If IsNull(Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate]) Then
strMsg = "Start Date can not be Null !!! Re- Enter"
MsgBox strMsg
Set ctlText = Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate]
Exit Function
End If

If IsNull(Forms![Movement Build]![EndDate]) Then
Forms![Movement Build]![EndDate] = Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate]
Set ctlText = Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate]
Exit Function
End If

If Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate] > Forms![Movement Build]![EndDate] Then
strMsg = "Start Date can not be Greater than the End Date!! Check your
MsgBox strMsg
Set ctlText = Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate]
Exit Function
End If

'Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("h:\freight finance
Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("p:gautam\tables.mdb")

MoveTableName = "Movements"
TableName = "Accounts"

For dteCounter = Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate] To Forms![Movement
DayOfWeek = WeekDay(dteCounter, 1)

If DayOfWeek > 1 And DayOfWeek < 7 Then
End If

Next dteCounter

strMsg = "Movements Added !!!"
MsgBox strMsg

End Function



Dirk Goldgar said:
Please post the complete code. The following works fine for me:

Dim accrual As DAO.Database

Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("c:\temp\db1.mdb")

Debug.Print accrual.Name, accrual.TableDefs.Count

Set accrual = Nothing

Is your code running in an .mdb file, or in an .adp?

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

(please reply to the newsgroup)

Dirk Goldgar

D Huber said:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim accrual As Database
Dim Accts As Recordset, MoveTable As Recordset

Dim MaxDateQry As Recordset

Dim DayCriteria As String, DayQuery As Command, WorkingSet As
Dim TableName As String, MoveTableName As String

Dim DayOfWeek As Integer, DayField, strPurpose As String, MoveDate As

Dim intCounter As Integer

'Movement Build variables
Dim Criteria As String, CriteriaCount As Integer

'AddMultiDay variables
Dim strMsg As String, dteCounter As Date, ctlText As Control

Public Function SelectMove()

DayOfWeek = 1
MoveTableName = "Movements"
TableName = "Accounts"
MoveDate = dteCounter
DayOfWeek = WeekDay(MoveDate, 1)

Select Case DayOfWeek
Case 2
DayField = "rMonday"
Case 3
DayField = "rTuesday"
Case 4
DayField = "rWednesday"
Case 5
DayField = "rThursday"
Case 6
DayField = "rFriday"
End Select

Select Case Forms![Movement Build]!cmbPurpose
Case 99
strPurpose = ""
Case Else
strPurpose = " AND [PurposeType] = " & Str$(Forms![Movement
End Select

DayCriteria = "SELECT * FROM " & TableName & " WHERE " & DayField & "
= YES" & strPurpose

Set WorkingSet = accrual.OpenRecordset(DayCriteria)

Set MoveTable = accrual.OpenRecordset(MoveTableName)

If Not (WorkingSet.EOF) Then
Do Until WorkingSet.EOF
For intCounter = 1 To WorkingSet!DailyOccur
Next intCounter

End If

End Function

Public Function Refresh_Movement_Build()
Forms![Movement Build].Requery
Forms![Movement Build].Refresh
End Function

Public Function GetMaxDate()
Dim LastDate As Date, NextDate As Date, LastDay As Integer
Dim ARTally As Database, MaxDateQry As Recordset

'Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("h:\freight finance
Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("c:\tl
accrual\freight finance tables.mdb")
Set MaxDateQry = accrual.OpenRecordset("MaxDate")

LastDate = MaxDateQry!MaxDate
LastDay = WeekDay(LastDate, 1)

Select Case LastDay
Case 5
NextDate = LastDate + 3
Case Else
NextDate = LastDate + 1
End Select


End Function

Public Function AddMovement()
' this function add movements to the table
With WorkingSet
MoveTable![AcctCodeKey] = ![AcctCodeKey]
MoveTable![CarrierNmb] = ![CarrierNmb]
MoveTable![Cost] = ![Cost]
MoveTable![MiscCharge] = ![MiscCharge]
MoveTable![FuelCharge] = ![FuelCharge]
MoveTable![MoveDate] = MoveDate
MoveTable![Describe] = ![Dest]
End With

End Function

Public Function AddMultiDay()
' this routine adds multiple days to the movement table

If IsNull(Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate]) Then
strMsg = "Start Date can not be Null !!! Re- Enter"
MsgBox strMsg
Set ctlText = Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate]
Exit Function
End If

If IsNull(Forms![Movement Build]![EndDate]) Then
Forms![Movement Build]![EndDate] = Forms![Movement
Build]![StartDate] Set ctlText = Forms![Movement
Build]![StartDate] ctlText.SetFocus
Exit Function
End If

If Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate] > Forms![Movement
Build]![EndDate] Then strMsg = "Start Date can not be Greater
than the End Date!! Check your Dates"
MsgBox strMsg
Set ctlText = Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate]
Exit Function
End If

'Set accrual = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("h:\freight finance
Set accrual =

MoveTableName = "Movements"
TableName = "Accounts"

For dteCounter = Forms![Movement Build]![StartDate] To Forms![Movement
DayOfWeek = WeekDay(dteCounter, 1)

If DayOfWeek > 1 And DayOfWeek < 7 Then
End If

Next dteCounter

strMsg = "Movements Added !!!"
MsgBox strMsg

End Function

Dirk Goldgar said:
Please post the complete code. The following works fine for me:

Okay, so which statement is raising the error?

Note that accruals is *not* actually declared as DAO.Database, but just
as Database. Almost certainly that means it is actually a DAO.Database,
but you could have a problem if some other library you had referenced
also defined a Database object.

For example, did you remove the default reference to ADO (ActiveX Data
Objects 2.x Library)? If not, then it's quite likely that the recordset
objects declared in these lines:
Dim Accts As Recordset, MoveTable As Recordset

Dim MaxDateQry As Recordset

Dim DayCriteria As String, DayQuery As Command, WorkingSet As

are all really being declared as ADODB recordsets. Change those
declarations (and any I've missed) to be like this:

Dim Accts As DAO.Recordset, MoveTable As DAO.Recordset

Dim MaxDateQry As DAO.Recordset

Dim DayCriteria As String, WorkingSet As DAO.Recordset

I don't know what you're planning to do with

... DayQuery As Command ...

but unless you're planning to use ADO -- and I don't see at this point
why you would -- you should probably drop that declaration altogether
and use DAO objects to do whatever you need to do.

I'm concerned that you might end up opening the external database twice
(as far as I can tell from this code), and I don't see code to close
that database. Those might be issues you should address, but I don't
think they're relevant to your immediate problem.

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