"open with" missing from right click in Windows XP SP1



Can't tell if my first message made it to the group.
I'm a newbie at this and need help with a problem.
Since installing SP2 in Winxp I have had nothing but problems. First,
I wasn't able to stay connected to the internet. The browsers kept
crashing and closing down. Then added to that was the fact that I
couldn't install any of my programs. The setup files were not
working. I tried all things suggested and was finally forced to
reinstall WinXP SP1. I had to do this twice in order to get the
machine back to where it would allow installation of my programs.
Then I installed Norton and immediately more problems started. I was
unable to install more programs nor stay connected to the internet.
Using MSN browser or the IE didn't work. I spent 6 hours at one time
on the phone with MSN and Toshiba trying to do the work arounds they
suggested. Some improved performance. Finally, Wednesday evening a
MSN Tech knew what to do and fixed it so things worked again.
I was afraid to install Norton again and the SP2 is out of the
question. Not going through that again.
While things are working rather smoothly again I still have several
issues unresolved. I am trying to work through some of them as I come
upon them.
One such pest is the "open with" entry is missing from the right click
menu. I tried several "cures" for this but none have entered the line
If anyone knows how to fix this I would be eternally grateful.
Sorry for the long desertation but also wanted to see if anyone else
may have encountered such problems by installing SP2.
Many thanks for any help.


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

firedog said:
Can't tell if my first message made it to the group.
I'm a newbie at this and need help with a problem.
Since installing SP2 in Winxp I have had nothing but problems. First,
I wasn't able to stay connected to the internet. The browsers kept
crashing and closing down. Then added to that was the fact that I
couldn't install any of my programs. The setup files were not
working. I tried all things suggested and was finally forced to
reinstall WinXP SP1. I had to do this twice in order to get the
machine back to where it would allow installation of my programs.
Then I installed Norton and immediately more problems started. I was
unable to install more programs nor stay connected to the internet.
Using MSN browser or the IE didn't work. I spent 6 hours at one time
on the phone with MSN and Toshiba trying to do the work arounds they
suggested. Some improved performance. Finally, Wednesday evening a
MSN Tech knew what to do and fixed it so things worked again.
I was afraid to install Norton again and the SP2 is out of the
question. Not going through that again.
While things are working rather smoothly again I still have several
issues unresolved. I am trying to work through some of them as I come
upon them.
One such pest is the "open with" entry is missing from the right click
menu. I tried several "cures" for this but none have entered the line
If anyone knows how to fix this I would be eternally grateful.
Sorry for the long desertation but also wanted to see if anyone else
may have encountered such problems by installing SP2.
Many thanks for any help.


Have you tried holding down the Shift key while you right click?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


Have you tried holding down the Shift key while you right click?

Thank you Frank Saunders.
I have tried about everything suggested but still no "open with" command.
Thanks to all you guys for trying to help.


Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP\)

If you have not already done so make sure your antivirus is up to date and
run a virus scan on your system. Also, check for any malware, download,
install and run Ad Aware:

If you are clear of viruses and malware, try the system file checker:

The following assumes you have an actual XP CD as opposed to a restore CD or
restore partition supplied by your PC manufacturer.

Go to Start, type sfc /scannow in the run box and press enter. Note, there
is a space between sfc and the forward slash. You will be asked for your XP
CD. Be aware, upon inserting the CD the XP setup screen may appear, this is
not a part of sfc /scannow, rather it is being invoked by autorun. Simply
minimize the screen and allow sfc to continue.

If the above fails to resolve the issues, not much left beyond a repair
install as follows below but understand, that will take your system back to
before SP2 installation and if your original XP install didn't include SP1,
it will be pre-SP1 install as well.

Be sure you are well backed up in case there is a problem from which you are
unable to recover. NOTE, while a repair install should leave your data
files intact, if something goes wrong during the repair install, you may be
forced to start over and do a clean install of XP. If you don't have your
data backed up, you would lose your data should that eventuality occur.

Assuming your system is set to boot from the CD-ROM drive, boot with the XP
CD in the drive. If it isn't or you are not sure, you need to enter the
system's BIOS. When you boot the system, the first screen usually has
instructions that if you wish to enter setup press a specific key, when you
see that, do so. Then you will have to navigate to the boot sequence, if
the CD-ROM drive is not first line, set it first in the boot sequence. Save
your settings and exit with the XP CD in the drive. The system will reboot.

Boot from the CD. If your system is set to be able to boot from the CD, it
should detect the disk and give a brief message, during the boot up, if you
wish to boot from the CD press any key.

Once you have pressed a key, setup should begin. You will see a reference
asking if you need to load special drivers and another notice that if you
wish to begin the ASR (Automatic Recovery Console) depress F2. Just let
setup run past all of that. It will continue to load files and drivers.

Then it will bring you to a screen. Eventually, you will come to a screen
with the option to (1) setup Windows or (2) Repair Windows Installation
using the Recovery console.

The first option, to setup Windows is the one you want and requires you to
press enter. When asked, press F8 to accept the end user agreement. Setup
will then search for previous versions of Windows. Upon finding your
version, it will ask if you wish to Repair your current installation or
install fresh. Press R, that will run a repair installation. From there
on, follow the screens.

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