open form automatically when db is opened


Lee-Anne Waters via

In access select the Tools menu and then select startup

select the form you wish to display at startup in the display form,page


No every body like to use macros, but you can create a macro called Autoexec,
and open the form with a required form.
Why I use it?
I send parameters when I open the MDB, in the Auto exec I check the
parameters and open different form depend on the parameter that is sent.
So I use the same application for different use.
Sometimes I run the application just to run some code, and then close down
So I can do what ever I want, without running a form.

David C. Holley

Create an Autoexec macro that calls code with the line DoCmd.OpenForm
This way if you need to have other things happen at Startup, its just a
matter of adding the code.

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