Open existing snapshot file from access



Does anyone have any code on how to open an existing .snp file from an Access

I have a form that will search for certain files within several folders. The
files are are .xls, .doc, or .snp. Once the files are located (which i've
been able to do), I need to allow the user to select one and open it by
clicking a button. I've got the xls and doc files being opened using code
but can't seem to manage the code to open the snp files.

Here is the xls version of code.

ElseIf strExt = "xls" Then
Set appXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wrkFile = appXL.Workbooks
wrkFile.Open strFileName

With appXL
.Visible = True
.UserControl = True
.WindowState = xlMaximized
End With

How can I do this with snp files......Can anyone help?




Look up the Shell command in the help file. You'd call

Shell("%PathOfTheSnapShotViewer.exe% PathToTheFile, vbNormalFocus)

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