Open a word doc in IE without the word toolbars



I have a word doc that we want available on our website for viewing, but we
want to make it as difficult as possible to reproduce. I can disable the
right click, open in an IE window that has no toolbars, but if it is opened
on a pc with word, there is the word toolbar that allows saving or printing.
Anyway I can stop that? Have the same issue with a ppt file.

We don't want to password protect them because.....well, let's not get into
that! Essentially, I need to make these as close to read only(although I
know it is not possible) as possible. Any suggestions are appreciated!


Yes, I kinda expected that as the answer. The problem is that my boss
doesn't want to reformat all 100+ documents and frankly, I'm not as impressed
with pdf as the document magic bullet that many are. Thanks!


PDF is recognised as the best way. The Word viewer is far from perfect
itself, as you cannot guarantee the zoom level or the 'view' options.
Curious about what sort of 'magic bullet' you are expecting of acrobat?

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